The GEN 413, aka Genesis, is a cigar that Definition Cigars collaborated with Luciano Meirelles to make at his factory, Luciano Cigars. The collaboration was very personal as this cigar is a representation of New Beginnings, Past Beginnings, and Present Beginnings.
Genesis being truly the essence of Everything. This medium body cigar offers complexity and depth throughout the smoking experience. It will not let you down. In the Toro size, the GEN 413 really boasts the aforementioned complexity.
A cigar that was never meant for production.
Meet the 919
The 919 was a cigar created for a celebration on September 19th in 2020. There were no plans to release the blend to the market. Due to the feedback from the attendees, it was decided to share this blend with every SOTL and BOTL.
A True Nicaraguan Blend
The Goods
The result is a fantastic draw that allows the cigar smoker the opportunity to experience all of the flavor notes that accompany this very exciting cigar. The company released this blend to the cigar community in the Summer of 2021.
A Little Of Our Story
5 Años
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia
Pure Balance
Launched in the summer of 2020, The Equalizer was created to “Define Staying True.” Its name carries a simple yet profound message: Because we’re all equal in the end. This cigar is more than just a blend; it’s a statement of balance, refinement, and dedication to the art of cigar making.
An Original Blend
Its name Conception, is a salute to the region of Nicaragua that the Ometepe leaf used in this cigar comes from. This cigar released in January of 2020. At the time this cigar “Defined Growth.”
A Risky Blend
Originally being created in a 6×60 size, the idea to go to the “Pig” size of 4.25 stemmed from wanting something with a different look from the Equalizer that was being released. So the “Pig” was born of just wanting to give a different look.
Definition = Purpose
Walking Stick
The Walking Stick was a long time coming. Released in January of 2021, this was the 7th try at creating a Lancero to add to the Definition family of cigars.